Stopping Sugar Six Amazing Health Benefits

Icecream, soft drinks, biscuits, cakes, chocolate... Many of us feel a amount of joy when we enjoy a sweet dessert. However, studies have revealed that a lot of us aren't just indulgences on occasion, but relying most of our meals on sugar-laden foods and refined sugars, especially those which contain fructose. In contrast to other compounds we consume which stimulate appetite hormones, fructose is undetected. This means that you can eat lots of refined sugar, but aren't feeling full. The majority of the sweets we consume is also a source of empty calories and does not contain numerous of the vital ingredients we require to have an ideal diet that is healthy, such as vitamins proteins, minerals, along with healthy fats. Why is this an issue ? A diet that is high in refined sugars could cause a variety of health issues , from lower immune system, digestive issues, and obesity, to more serious issues such as heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. But it is true that all of these issues are easily cured (and in some cases , reversed) by focusing on reducing the amount of sugar you consume or eliminating sugar completely! Here are six incredible Health Benefits

1. Higher Energy Levels

A high intake of refined sugar in our diets can impact us in many ways however one of the main one is its impact in our brains. The desire to consume more sugar could lead to feelings of craving, mood swings and the well-known energy crash, which often leads us to seek more sugar to get ourselves going and again!

It could also trigger the consumption of sugar due to its ability to boost moods - sugar causes our brains release dopamine and serotonin (our "happy" hormones) and the immediate feeling of happiness is one of the main reasons why we search for food items that create this feeling of satisfaction every time.

2. A Stronger Immune System

Our immune system isn't just a single organ , it's made up of millions of cells that are spread across our body, and work to safeguard us. How? When the body is attacked by viruses, bacteria and other pathogens (microorganisms that cause illness) the body responds by producing unique cells referred to as phagocytes. They constitute white blood cell that wrap around the source of inflammation and prevent the spread of infection, or neut ralize it so that your body is able rid itself of harmful substances. your system. Vitamin C is essential to the immune system to function effectively as well as white blood cells particularly require it to fight infections. When you consume sugar, it breaks into glucose and has a comparable chemical structure as Vitamin C. It is however when you consume excessive amounts of it your body might take the glucose instead, which means that your immune system's ability combat is reduced, which could result in the spreading of infections.

3. A Better Night's Sleep

There is a clear scientific connection between a high intake of sugar with depression and mental health issues, and while sugar doesn't directly cause these conditions, it could affect your ability to deal with stress. Reduced sugar consumption can not only reduce the signs of these illnesses but also boost your mood, and lessen anxiety and agitation. Eating sugar before bed can increase your risk of low blood sugar as well as "night sweats", and can increase the stress hormones that could lead to sleep issues. Stop eating sugar and you'll notice an improvement in the quality of sleep after some days. This will give you an improved outlook on life and a higher level of productivity.

4. Improved Gut Health

There are numerous ways in which an excessive intake of sugar may negatively affect the digestion process and gut health. If the sugar content in your body is insufficient for your bloodstream to take in and absorb, it will find its journey through your digestive system. The bacteria that live in your bowels like to consume sugar, leading to abdominal pain, bloating flatulence, diarrhoea, and diarrhoe as well as to an increase in bacteria and parasites.

5. Weight Loss

If you consume excessively refined sugar, your insulin production rises which may prevent you from using fats to fuel. Instead, your body turns the excess sugar to fat, and weight gain is the result. One of the advantages of reducing sugar levels in food is the fact that it will make sure that the levels of insulin are maintained at the optimal level, which could help in improving your cholesterol and blood pressure.

6. Better overall health

Obesity is among the most significant health concerns which affects us in Australia as well, with over 60 percent of Australians classified as obese and nearly 10% being severely obese. Consuming large amounts of refined sugar regularly is not just a way to cause weight gain, but it can also cause the creation of more serious health problems such as hypoglycaemia, cancer, heart disease, and hypoglycaemia.

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